
Реактивные данные в JS компонентах как базис интерактивности веб-приложения

Project App

The tool for people to collaborate on shared ideas. Everyone can create and publish their projects and everyone can engage in cocreation of them. It can be used to better understand each other and synchronize our intentions in order to reach common goals.

This app is intended to be fast, reliable and free. So it's developed only by those who are passionate about the new level of social collaboration. Like social media creates chaos in our heads with their smart feeds with huge amount of ads, the Project App can put structure to our ideas and deeds with a particular project realization model. Structured project info can help people connect, mutually coordinate and collaborate in a new more intense but fun way.


  • Vue 3 as fast and easy to reactive framework with the new powerful Composition API
  • Vite as the fast development environment with modular bundling, with magic plugins by Antifu
  • GUN for the reactive p2p graph database
  • color-hash to get colors for item UUIDs
  • image-compressor to create small user avatars

Basic structure

It's one of the most difficult questions. I'm in the process of formulating the exact structure. We have so much data about the process, that it's hard to condence all that into one source of truth. And it's definitely not a regular tree, but a complex graph of relations. Let's try.

  • design
    • project
  • project
    • object
    • event
  • event
    • task
    • purchase
  • object
    • task
    • purchase
  • task
    • tool
    • material
    • result
  • purchase
    • quality
    • quantity
    • thing
  • course
    • class
  • page
    • comment

It's the most basic structure, but it's needs to be filled with all field and relations schema. A lot of work, but how interesting it is!

If you have any ideas or proposals – feel free to create an issue or send me a message.